Types of edible fats and oils and proper storage

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Types of edible fats and oils and proper storage

July 20, 2022

Types of edible fats and oils

The classification of edible fats and oils implies a division according to the origin of the feedstock and according to consistency:

1. According to the type of raw materials, fats are:

– Animals (butter, animal fats – lard, fish);

– Vegetable (from plant seeds, nuts and fruits);

– Combined, obtained industrially from different raw materials (spreads, confectionery fat, margarine).

2. By consistency:

– Solid. Most animal fats are solid. Among vegetable solids include palm, coconut and cocoa butter.

– Liquid. Most vegetable oils from fruits and seeds have a liquid consistency.

This is the usual consumer classification of edible fats and oils. The type of product, as well as organoleptic properties, are the main criteria for assessing the quality of fats.

Nutritional value of fats and oils

Fats are included in the daily diet of a person. Some of them are irreplaceable and must be present in food. Fats are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the human body.

The main function of dietary fats is to provide the body with energy. 1 g of fat releases 9.5 kcal, which is 2.5 times more than 1 g of protein or carbohydrate. Plus, fats contain the components necessary for the body: phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins.

The beneficial properties of fat can vary greatly over time. Therefore, storage plays an important role.

How to store oil properly?

Vegetable oil in a closed original packaging can be stored for a long time. But improper storage leads to rapid deterioration and loss of useful properties. It is best to store everything in a glass container in a dark, cool place, hidden from direct sunlight.

The temperature should be no more than 25 degrees Celsius. If a bottle of oil is near a stove or battery, then it will oxidize faster, and the vitamins contained in it will be destroyed.

Solid animal fats should be stored in the refrigerator.

Butter – in an opaque package or butter dish in small briquettes. Putting the butter in the freezer will keep it longer, up to two years.

In the human diet there are such products, without which, perhaps, it is impossible to do. In the kitchen of any housewife, there will definitely be a place for edible fats and oils. They are used as a salad dressing, as an ingredient in pastries and desserts, but are most often bought for frying.

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